3 Tricks That Will Make Your Recipes Lower in Calories

Low calorie tips
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Eating low-calorie foods isn’t always the right thing to do. However, it’s definitely important for your health to avoid overeating, especially if you’re working on maintaining a healthy diet. So if trying to eat low-calorie is important to you, here are some tricks you can use to lower the calorie content of your recipe.

Skip the Oil

Oil can be quite high in calories, with just one tablespoon of olive oil containing 119 calories. Many people use oil to prevent their veggies from sticking to the pan as they cook them, but did you know that a splash of water in a non-stick pan will work just the same, and save you a bunch of calories in the process?

Reduce the Portion

Chances are if you’ve been cooking for a while, you already view recipes as more of a suggestion than something you have to follow perfectly from beginning to end. So why shouldn’t that apply to serving sizes? After all, the easiest way to eat fewer calories in a meal is to eat a smaller portion size.

Use Substitutes

There are plenty of substitutes you can make for higher-calorie foods in recipes that won’t taste all too different but will save you a lot of calories. Think skim or plant milk for whole milk, fat-free dairy products for the full-fat versions, and so on.