5 Smoothie Add-Ins You Should Avoid

Smoothie things to avoid
Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash

Smoothies are often hailed as one of the healthiest food options, but one bad ingredient is all it takes to transform them into a calorie and sugar bomb. If you want to make sure that your smoothies are refreshing, nutritious, and healthy at the same time, these five add-ins are best avoided.


Adding sugar and other artificial sweeteners to your smoothie is a huge no-no because you can simply use fruits to make them as sweet as they need to be.

Canned Fruit

Speaking of fruits you can add to your smoothies, try to go with fresh or frozen ones, and avoid canned fruits at all costs because they’re packed with sugar.


When it comes to the liquids you’re using in your smoothies, the juice is one of the worst options on the market due to its high sugar content and it should be replaced with water or milk.

Ice Cream

You may be tempted to add ice cream to your smoothies if you want to make them cold and refreshing, but you can get the same effect with ice or frozen fruits.

Flavored Yogurt

If you insist on adding yogurt to your smoothies, plain yogurt is the best possible option because flavored varieties often contain a lot of sugar.