Have You Tried an Espresso Tonic? 3 Reasons to Make This Iconic Drink

Espresso Tonic
Photo by Mateusz Butkiewicz on Unsplash

Espresso martinis and gin and tonics are well-recognized cocktails which are made and enjoyed across the world. But there’s a drink that combines the caffeine hit of an espresso martini with the uniquely bitter taste of tonic. Enter: the espresso tonic. This non-alcoholic drink is classy, grown up and growing in popularity as people seek alternatives to a standard iced coffee in the summer. Here are three reasons to buy or make your very own espresso tonic.

Unique Taste

The combination of the creamy yet bitter espresso with the herbal tonic makes for a unique flavor. Granted, it’s not to everyone’s taste, but if you like espresso martinis and gin and tonics, it’s fairly likely that you’ll enjoy this non-alcoholic concoction.

Classy Look

Nothing says sophistication quite like sipping on a beautifully made espresso martini. If you put the tonic in first, you will get a creamy top on the drink, whereas if you put the espresso in first you will create a stunning layered effect. Either option is pretty eye-catching and striking.

Elevate Your Coffee

Too many iced or cold coffees are full of sugary sweeteners and fake flavors. The beauty of an espresso tonic is that if you an enjoy the bitter, unique flavor, you don’t need to worry about purchasing any frappes or whipped cream coffees for the rest of the summer – you can enjoy your grown-up iced coffee every day.