These Are the Healthiest Types of Bread

Bread types
Photo by Jude Infantini on Unsplash

Bread is infamous for not being healthy and good for you, but that’s only true for the cheap, refined flour bread that’s still the most common. There are other types of bread that provide complex carbs and long-lasting energy. Here are some of the best choices you can make.

Whole Wheat Bread

Bread made from 100% whole wheat is a great source of protein, fiber, and minerals. Studies have shown that increasing whole grains intake can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. There’s also a link between whole grains and weight loss.

Multigrain Bread

Combining multiple grains in one bread is a genius idea. Besides whole wheat, you can use oats, amaranth, buckwheat, and other grains to bake your favorite bread that’s also very good for you. Be careful when buying multigrain bread as they often contain refined flour. It’s best to look for the “100% whole grain” label on them.

Oat Bread

While you’re making oatmeal, why not make oat bread as well? Oats are amazing for lowering bad cholesterol, keeping blood sugar under control, and lowering blood pressure. They contain a lot of soluble fiber and can help when you’re feeling constipated.