Tips For Making the Perfect Pancake

Pancake tips
Photo by nikldn on Unsplash

Cooking pancakes is not as easy as it looks! The process can easily go awry. Instead of gorgeous fluffy pancakes, you can sometimes end up with a sticky mess that’s both raw and burnt at the same time. Here are some top tips to make beautiful pancakes every time.

Make a “Well” in the Center

After you’ve combined the flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder into a large bowl, make a little well in the center of it. Once you’ve done this, pour the egg, milk, and melted butter in before you mix it all together. This helps to make sure all the ingredients are distributed evenly.

Not Too Hot!

One of the top secrets for making fluffy pancakes is not to have the heat too high. You want the pan to be lightly oiled and over moderate heat.

Proper Portions

It’s important that each pancake is made with just the right amount of batter. It obviously fluctuates with personal preference, but generally the best pancakes are made with about 1/4 cup of batter.

Cook on Both Sides

Before serving, you want both sides of the pancake to be lightly brown, and hot without being burnt.