3 Tips to Make the Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey

Photo by Gabriel Garcia Marengo on Unsplash

Have you been tasked with making your Thanksgiving feast’s turkey this year? The task might seem daunting, and it certainly does require a certain level of knowledge in order to ensure that the bird turns out delicious.

But don’t be overwhelmed! Here are some simple tips that will help you to ensure that your turkey turns out juicy and delicious.

Brine Your Turkey

If you want to avoid a dry turkey, the absolute, number one most important thing that you must do in order to make sure yours turns out juicy is to brine it. Soak your turkey in a saltwater solution before cooking it, and you’ll be shocked at how tender and juicy it will turn out.

Use Aromatics

One of the complaints about turkey is that it sometimes lacks flavor. One great way to ensure a flavorful turkey is to use aromatic herbs such as rosemary, thyme, and sage to ensure that your turkey has plenty of mouth-watering flavors.


Don’t Overcook

Many Thanksgivings worry about undercooking a turkey, and understandably so. Slicing open your turkey at the table and finding out that it isn’t done is definitely a Thanksgiving nightmare. However, if you overcook the turkey, it will be dry and unappetizing, so be sure to find that perfect point between an undercooked turkey and an overcooked one.