5 Edible Flowers You Can Grow in Your Garden

Growing edible flowers in your garden is a great way to combine beautiful visuals with delicious food. Here are five tasty flowers you can start growing today.


Hibiscus is a vibrant flower that can be used to make mighty fortifying teas and flavorful cocktails.


Easy to grow and coming in a wide range of colors, pansies are a great choice for your garden. They can be used to spruce up salads, on top of cakes, or in sweet desserts.


This sweet-smelling honeysuckle has one of the most distinctive and pleasing fragrances in the world. You can use the flower as a decoration in salads or cakes, or use the sweet nectar to make sorbets, cocktails, teas, or cakes.


With one of the most relaxing aromas you can find, lavender is a must-have if you enjoy making homemade tea, biscuits, or cakes. Simply break off the flowery stems and bake them into your food. A neat trick is to harvest your lavender flowers just before winter. This way you can freeze them and use them all year round.


Eminently useful and pleasing to have on hand, growing some of your own mint will transform your cooking style. You can use it in teas, cocktails, with meat or fish dishes, in salads, or in deserts.