5 Foods Full of Immunity-Boosting Zinc

With cold and flu season arriving at any minute, it’s important to get your vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Zinc has been associated with immune health, metabolism, digestion, and nerve function, so it’s important to make sure you eat foods with this mineral. Here are five foods that are packed with zinc.


This salty, tasty snack is a great natural source of zinc. Add peanuts onto your salads, enjoy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or eat them in trail mixes.


This aphrodisiac happens to be packed with zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Did you really need more reasons to indulge with oysters?


Hamburgers, meatballs, steak—take your choice as beef is loaded with natural zinc to keep your taste buds and immune system happy.


Well, your mom has been onto something all these years serving you chicken soup when you were sick. There are so many ways to prepare chicken and it happens to be packed with zinc and other important nutrients.


Everything tastes better with hummus and chickpeas have a small amount of zinc in them. Next time you make a sandwich opt for hummus instead of mayonnaise or mustard.