5 things you really should avoid eating

Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash

Nutritionists usually recommend which foods to eat and what is good for your body. There are some foods that nutritionists will let you eat on special occasions, but there are also some foods, such as these five right underneath, that should from now on enter your blacklist. See here which ones.


Granola is often considered as a healthy cereal or healthy snack to add to your yogurt. However, the granola you are buying in the store is high in calories, contain a lot of sugar and salt. Instead, try making your own with less sugar and some fresh fruits and nuts.

Canned Tomato Sauce

It is very easy to buy an already-made tomato sauce in a can and pour it on your pasta. But it contains lots of sugar and is high in sodium levels and other additives. Instead, make your own fresh tomato sauce with chopped tomatoes, olive oil, basil leaves and garlic. There won’t be tastier (& healthier) than this.

Spray Butter

Spray butter isn’t good for you and it isn’t better than real butter. Anyway, try cooking with olive oil instead.

Salad Dressing From The Grocery Store

Some people think that if they make a salad at home, accompanied with a dressing they bought in the grocery store, it is healthy and good for their diet. But it isn’t. These dressings have been sitting on the shelf for a while and are made with low-quality oils and loaded with preservatives. Rather, try making your own simple dressing at home.

Beef From Factory-Farms

Animals that grow in farms are usually receiving hormones to grow faster and are following a grain-based diet. Instead, opt for the source of beef that is growing on grass.