Have You Tried Roasting Strawberries?

Roasted strawberries
Photo by Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

These days, fresh fruit gets all the glory. Why would you want to ruin a perfectly fresh strawberry by baking it in the oven? Well, it turns out that baking your strawberries actually brings out the best in them. Fresh strawberries are great and nothing can replace them. But when strawberries are roasted, they become more versatile and are great material for the creative cook. Here’s what you need to know.

How To Make Them

Preheat your oven to 350 F and line a baking tray with baking parchment. Chop a batch of strawberries into quarters, taking out the leafy heads. Next, toss them in a baking tray with warmed honey and sea salt. Try to make sure every strawberry is coated. Finally, take a vanilla bean and slice it down the middle. Sprinkle the seeds over the strawberries before tossing the pod as well. Roast the strawberries for around 40 minutes, or until the juices stop flowing.

How To Eat Them

Roasted strawberries can be enjoyed in a range of different ways. They make a great spread or dip for bread. They are a lovely topping for ice cream or other desserts. And they even go well with savory dishes, such as cheese boards and crackers.