You Don’t Need Molds to Make Delicious Popsicles at Home

Popsicles Molds
Photo by Cup of Couple/Pexels

Popsicles are one of the first homemade desserts that come to mind when someone mentions summer, but did you know you don’t need specialized molds to make them? There are many alternative methods that are almost just as effective, and here are some of the very best.

Muffin Molds

Muffin molds and tins are surprisingly versatile, and you can use them to make all sorts of different sweet treats. Popsicles fall under that category, and it’s highly recommended to use silicon muffin molds when making them so you could pop them out with ease.

Ice Cube Trays

Ice cube trays can also double down as popsicles molds, especially if you want to make bite-sized popsicles. Just like with muffin molds, it’s highly recommended to look for a silicon ice cube tray so your popsicles wouldn’t break.

Plastic Cups

If you’re looking for a way to give old plastic cups a second life and repurpose them in your kitchen, consider using them as a mold for your popsicles this summer.

Yogurt Containers

Speaking of eco-friendly ways to make popsicles, old yogurt containers can also come in handy. To avoid breaking your popsicles when using these containers instead of molds, it’s highly recommended to run them under warm water before taking popsicles out.