Here’s Why Cranberries Should Be on Your Menu

Photo by Hert Niks on Unsplash

If you’re only eating cranberries around Thanksgiving, you’ve been missing out a lot. These delicious fruits can be turned into the delicious sauce they’re known for, but there are many other ways you can use them. Here’s why they should be a regular part of your menu, and how you can use them.

Health Benefits

Cranberries are full of nutrients that are great for you. They are amazing for immunity thanks to polyphenols that protect your health. One polyphenol found in cranberries is called proanthocyanidin and it protects your cell walls from bacteria.

Great For Workouts

Cranberries are a great snack choice for before or after workouts. They will deliver enough glucose to your body which can be great if you’re doing intense workouts. Another great thing is that cranberries will help your body recover after working out and get you ready for new activities.

Cranberries can also improve your gut health and help feed the good bacteria that you need. Considering all of these facts, it should be perfectly clear that they’re a great addition to any healthy diet!