How to Level Up Your Sandwiches

Photo by Pille-Riin Priske on Unsplash

It doesn’t take a genius chef to make a good sandwich. But taking a simple sandwich onto the next level of culinary greatness is no easy feat, though it can totally change your lunch game, if not your life. So here are some sandwich hacks that will level up your sandwich-making skills.

Get Serious About Bread

Bread is the base upon which the success of your entire sandwich is built, so why is it that so many people just grab a couple of slices of Wonder bread and call it a day? If you want to get sandwiches right, you should be getting high-quality bread. And don’t limit yourself to that pre-sliced supermarket stuff. You can use a baguette, potato bun, Hawaiian roll, rye bread, wheat bread—the only limit is your imagination.

Use Condiments, Dude

Sandwiches without condiments are just a travesty. They need a little extra something something for both flavor and moistness. Regardless of the ingredients you use in the bulk of your sandwich, it will be the condiments that elevate it and stop it from being dry. So whether you opt for a classic mustard, mayo, or butter, or something a bit more fancy like aioli, olive oil, tahini, yogurt, Italian or ranch dressing, or so on, don’t forget the condiments! (And put them on both slices of bread, please).