Tips for Keeping Your Microwave Clean

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

One of the trouble spots that we always have a hard time dealing with in our kitchen is the microwave. While this useful tool is great for warming up foods and drinks in a pinch, it gets dirty so easily and can be a real pain to keep clean.

As a result, we’ve started employing some strategies to ensure that we don’t have to deal with a constantly dirty microwave, and these tips might just be useful for you too!

Cover Your Foods

If there is one simple thing that will always help you ensure that your microwave will not get filthy, it is religiously covering the foods that you put inside in order to avoid splattering and mini-explosions. This is the source of many a microwave nightmare but truly is so easy to avoid.

Wipe it Down

Even if you cover your food in the microwave, it is probably unavoidable that a little bit of splatter might happen when you microwave foods. Keep a damp cloth next to your microwave and be sure to just give it a quick wipe down every time after you use it.

Lemons and Water

Every couple of weeks or so, one thing that ends up being really useful when keeping your microwave fresh and clean is putting a bowl of water with a sliced lemon or two into it and microwaving it for around a minute. This will give it a fresh scent and after it’s done microwaving, you can just wipe it down with a cloth to capture any stubborn pieces of food that might have been left over.