Top Tips for Chopping Vegetables

Chopping vegetables is a key skill that we’ve all got to learn if we want to be able to cook. It’s something that we find ourselves doing almost every day. Good chopping skills can be the difference between a poor meal and a successful one. Here are some top tops to chopping vegetables like a pro.

Salt on the Chopping Board

If you’re chopping vegetables, a strange, nifty trick is to sprinkle salt on the chopping board. This will cause the vegetable slices to stick and prevent them from rolling onto the ground. This means you can keep track of your vegetables and chop with greater efficiency.

Cut Top of the Pepper First

When you’re cutting sweet peppers, you want to cut out the stalk first. This prevents all the seeds from spilling everywhere which could ruin your meal. Cut around the stalk in a circle and then pull it out.

Onion Slicing

To stop the onion from disintegrating when you are trying to cut it finely, leave the center intact. If you don’t cut the onion all the way down, the core will help the onion maintain its structure. Once you’ve cut the top of the onion, then you can move on to dicing the core.