Turkey is the Centerpiece of Thanksgiving Dinner for More Reasons Than One

Thanksgiving is less than a week away, and there’s one dish that will make its way to everyone’s dinner table—roasted turkey. This holiday is incomplete without it and there are several reasons why this dish is one of the timeless staples of Thanksgiving dinners across America.

Historical Origins

It’s unclear if the roasted turkey was the centerpiece of the original Thanksgiving gatherings, but there are mentions of the Pilgrims serving “wildfowl” at the time. Some of the early celebrations might’ve included this dish, but its connection to Thanksgiving isn’t entirely rooted in the history of this holiday.

Turkey Abundance

The popularity of turkey as a Thanksgiving dish is best explained from a pragmatic standpoint—there simply are too many of them. These birds can be found in abundance in North America and their large size makes them a perfect family dish. Since they don’t produce milk and eggs, turkeys are mainly raised for their meat and that’s why they’re the best option when compared to all the other alternatives.

Poetic Roots

Several books have mentioned roasted turkey as a holiday staple, leading to an increase in its popularity. Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is the best possible example, but turkey has also been mentioned as a Thanksgiving staple in Northwood by Sarah Josepha Hale, who famously campaigned for its status as a national holiday.