Your Brain Goes Through Changes When You Give Up Sugar

Sugar facts
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

The opinions on sugar in today’s world are divided. While some claim they never have a sweet treat because of how unhealthy it is, others will eat something sweet any chance they get. Many people are even addicted to sugar, which clearly tells us it does something chemically to our brains. But what happens if you quit sugar after eating it for a long time?

Understanding Sugar Better

Eating sugar makes our brains produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter also known as the reward chemical. When you don’t eat sugar that your body is used to, you don’t get the dopamine fix and can experience side effects, including headaches, mood swings, nausea, anxiety, food cravings, and more. This is not pleasant at all and can make going sugar-free very difficult, mentally and physically. Your strongest weapon is patience, as these symptoms will go away in two to three weeks, we promise.

The good news is that, if you’re healthy, it’s not necessary to cut out sugar completely. Sugar can’t harm you a lot if consumed moderately and if you don’t have chronic diseases like diabetes and insulin resistance. It’s important to base your diet on healthy foods so an occasional treat won’t have a devastating effect on your body.