3 Ways to Make Your To-Go Coffee Order Greener

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Take-away food and drink orders have become a part of everyday life for most of us over the past year or so, with the popularity of taking your order away becoming even more popular.

Coffee is one of the most popular products that people choose to order to-go these days, and there are some things that you can do in order to ensure that this practice has a minimal environmental impact. Here they are!

No Lid, No Problem

One of the avoidable mistakes that you can say “no” to when ordering coffee is having an unnecessary plastic lid placed on top of the cup. This can be easily omitted by simply letting the barista know that you prefer to walk out without a lid on it.

Hold the Stirrer

Another frivolous piece of plastic that you can skip when ordering a coffee beverage is the plastic stirrer that many coffee shops give you. Ask for the coffee shop to stir the drink yourself if you want it stirred, and leave this unneeded piece of plastic unused.

Need Sugar?

Many times, coffee shops will automatically give you a packet of sugar along with your order. If you need sugar, it is better to just grab it from the dispenser in the coffee shop instead of taking another wrapped item along with you.