Are You Brave Enough to Try These Extremely Hot Peppers?

Hot peppers aren’t for everyone. While some people might think that relatively tame peppers such as jalapenos and habaneros are too spicy, some brave souls look to try extreme peppers that are so spicy that many can’t even stomach them.

Would you be brave enough to try these common, super-hot peppers?

Carolina Reaper

The hottest pepper in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records is this hybrid pepper that was developed in South Carolina. It clocks in at an extremely intense 1.6 million Scoville heat units.

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion

The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is unique in the fact that it is extremely hot, but that it still contains a sweet flavor that balances out at least some of the spiciness. But don’t get us wrong; it’s still intense.

Bhut Jolokia

This menacing hot pepper comes from Northeast India, a region that is famous for its spicy foods. Nothing is quite as spicy as this small but mighty pepper, which is even used as an elephant deterrent on fences for private property in the region!

Naga Viper

The Naga Viper was once considered the hottest pepper on Earth after being created by a chili pepper expert in England. It’s lost a bit of fame in recent years, but its raw heat can still be enjoyed by home gardeners, who have reported that it’s easy to grow.