Bok Choy is a Magical Vegetable

Photo by Jasmine Waheed on Unsplash

Bok choy is a green vegetable that resembles Swiss chard but has Asian roots. Used often in different Asian cooking, it is a bomb of flavor and nutrients and can be a nice break from the greens you would normally use on a day to day basis. If you want to switch up the game, try using bok choy!


Sautéed bok choy is super easy, just imagine you’re sautéing Swiss chard. Start by separating the leaves from the stem. Chop them each up and start by cooking the stems in a pan with oil. After they’ve started to soften, add in chopped garlic and the leaves, cook for another few minutes and serve!

Stir Fry

Bok choy is obviously perfect in stir fries since it is an Asian ingredient. Add it to your favorite recipes of stir fry with tofu or meat, carrots, snow peas, or whatever you have on hand. Make a sauce with soy sauce, fish sauce, rice vinegar, ginger, and a little sriracha and you’ll have the perfect stir fry!


You can also use the raw bok choy leaves in things like salad or just on sandwiches! Dress them as you usually would and enhance your regular lunches and side dishes!