This Sardine Pasta is Super Yummy!

Photo by seonhye27/Instagram

Whether you’re on a strict budget or just want something fulfilling for dinner, this fishy pasta is super easy and will definitely satisfy. This recipe features sardines as the star ingredient, because they’re actually really sustainable, affordable, and a great source of protein and other nutrients.


  1. Start by cooking your pasta according to the instructions on a box. A thin long noodle works really well in this recipe, but use whatever you have on hand.
  2. In a pan, heat up some olive oil on medium heat and cook shallots until transcluent and fragrant.
  3. After a few minutes, add in some red chili flakes and the zest of one lemon. If you don’t want to the pasta super spicy, use only a little of the chili flakes, but adding it really does provide an amazing flavor.
  4. Add in capers and the sardines and cook for a few minutes just until the sardines are cooked through. Also, break them into smaller pieces as they cook in the pan.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, pour in the juice of one lemon to deglaze the pan.
  6. Finally, add in the pasta straight from the pot so some of the pasta water can help thicken up the sauce.
  7. Cook for another few minutes and then serve with fresh basil and parsley.