Carrots Are Best For Both Your Mind and Body

Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables in the world! Whether they are eaten raw, cooked, boiled or in a juice, people from all over the world have already consumed them, and most of them, even often.

We do not know if you have seen them, but carrots can be found in different colors than just orange. They also exist in purple, yellow, red and white. The colors come from carotenoids, a form of antioxidant. One of these carotenoids is the beta carotene, a vitamin A that is responsible for the known carrot benefits.

Image by @m01229 / Flickr

Carrots are valuable nutritions and when you juice them, you get a concentrated dose of their healing power. It balances your blood sugar, improve your blood health, fight inflammation, relieve congestion and protect the eyesight, as well as your skin and brain function.

Carrots are one of the highest contributors of Vitamin A, with a good amount of Vitamin C, D, E and K. Did I already mention that it also includes lots of minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium?

Image by @Rob Bertholf / Flickr

Simply said, carrots benefit every part of your body and should be eaten or drank very often.