Cooking Bacon in the Oven Is the Best Way to Do It

Image by Pearl Vaj from Pixabay

We can argue about the best way to cook bacon all day long, but there are some big advantages to using an oven. We invite you to at least give it a try before going back to your usual option, whether it’s the stovetop, the microwave, or the deep-fryer.

There are a few things we really love about cooking bacon in the oven. One of them is definitely that the process is completely mess-free. All you need to do is arrange the bacon slices on the baking tin and put it in the oven, so there’s no spattering all over the kitchen. This is the biggest disadvantage of cooking bacon on the stovetop!

Another great thing is you can typically cook bigger slices and more of them at the same time. Baking tins are usually larger than frying pans, which means you can just arrange all the bacon you need and be done with it.

How to cook bacon in the oven? The crucial thing is to start with a cold oven. Bacon needs to cook slowly and gradually, and putting it in a cold oven to slowly heat will give you the best result. Depending on the thickness of slices, it typically needs 20 minutes or less on 400F to cook.