Get Rid Of Your Headache With These Foods

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

There’s nothing worse than going through the day with a pounding headache. Before you reach for a bottle of painkillers, give these foods a try first and have your headaches go away naturally while getting all the nutritional benefits.


In moderation, coffee can be a great headache killer. Headaches often enlarge your blood vessels, while coffee makes your blood vessels smaller which will ease your pain. However, drink too much and you can end up right where you started from, so one have one cup.


Bananas are high in magnesium, which also helps shrink your blood vessels. If your headache is related to drinking, bananas are especially a great choice because their high potassium content acts as an electrolyte booster, which is vital after drinking alcohol.

Spicy Food

If your headache is related to congestion, eating spicy food can greatly help. This is because the heat can reduce your congestion and also help clear your sinuses.

Dark Leafy Geens

Sometimes you can get a headache because of low calcium levels. Instead of going straight to dairy products, try some dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, or swiss chard. These are all not only high in calcium but also magnesium and potassium.