Here’s How to Make the Perfect Baked Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are a dinner go-to for us. These flavorful and versatile tubers can be filled with a number of toppings or even stuffed to make a meal out of them. Our favorite way to prepare sweet potatoes is by simply baking them in the oven and it really isn’t too difficult to do so if you follow just a few instructions. Let’s learn!


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • Salt


  1. Start off by lining an oven-safe pan with aluminum foil. You’ll want to bake the sweet potatoes on a pan lined with foil because they are super juicy and will likely leak fluid.
  2. Preheat your oven to 425 F.
  3. Next, take the sweet potatoes and wash them thoroughly with a scrubbing brush under cold water. If you plan on eating the delicious skins, it’s important that they be cleaned and free of any sort of dirt or grime.
  4. After this, take a fork and poke several holes in all of the potatoes. This is to allow heat and moisture to escape, as if you don’t, the potatoes can actually explode in the oven.
  5. Place the potatoes on the foil-lined pan and bake for about 45 minutes to one hour, or until the potatoes are soft throughout. You can check this with a fork.
  6. Split open, add a pat of butter onto each side, and season with salt. Enjoy!
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My autumn hit! 🍁🤩🍠 Loaded skins sweet potatoes with mozzarella and bacon👩‍🍳😋 ————————————— 🍎Ingredients: • 3 sweet potatoes • 1/4 cup plant milk• 1/2 cup grated mozzarella • 2 tablespoons sweetcorn • 4 slices of diced bacon • spring onion for decoration • olive oil • 2 tablespoons mascarpone • sweet pepper • salt and pepper ————————————— 🍎Preparation: Set the Oven to 200 degrees C. Cut the sweet potatoes in half and bake in the oven for about 40 min or in the microwave for about 6 min. Fry the bacon in the pan for 5 min. Spoon out the sweet potato pulp, leaving a thin layer inside. Brush with olive oil and bake for another 10 min in the oven. Mix the pulp with milk and fill the potatoes, sprinkle with corn and cheese and bake for 10 min. Garnish with onion rings, bacon and mascarpone. • • Moj jesienny hit! 🍁🤩🍠 Zapiekane bataty z mozarella i bekonem z piekarnika👩‍🍳👇 ————————————— 🍏Składniki: •3 bataty•1/4 szkl mleka roslinnego•1/2 szkl startej mozarelli•2 lyzki kukurydzy•4 plastry bekonu pokrojonego w kostke•cebulka dymka do dekoracji•oliwa z oliwek• 2 lyzki mascarpone•slodka papryka•sol i pieprz ————————————— 🍏Przygotowanie:Ustaw piekarnik na 200 st C. Bataty przekroj na pol i piecz w piekarniku ok 40 min lub w mikrofalowce ok 6 min. Bekon posmaz na patelni 5 min. Wybierz miazsz z batatow, pozostawiajac cienka warstwe w srodku. Posmaruj oliwa skorke z zewnatrz i podpiecz jeszcze 10 min w piekarniku. Miazsz wymieszaj z mlekiem i wypelnij skorke ziemniakow, posyp kukurydza oraz serem i zapiecz ok 10 min. Udekoruj cebulka, bekonem i mascarpone. #foodporn #foodstagram #sweetpotato #sweetpotatoes #loadedskins #bacon #breakfastideas #breakfastofchampions #breakfastrecipes #healthybreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #healthychoices #fitnessgoals #foodieblogger #foodieblog #sweetpotatodiet #mascarponecream #mozarellacheese #bakedsweetpotato #jedzonko #pysznieizdrowo #blogowanie #gotowanie #gotowaniezpasją #cookinginspiration #bataty #zapiekanebataty #crispybacon #sniadanko #przepisykulinarne

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