How to Make Delicious Fishcakes

Fish cakes can be a beautiful dish if they’re done right. Warming, filling, and versatile, they’re best served with rice or chips and fresh vegetables. Here’s how to make lovely homemade fishcakes from scratch.


First of all, you need one white fish fillet. It could be mackerel, cod, haddock, or salmon, whichever you prefer. Next, you need a bag of medium size potatoes. It doesn’t matter too much which ones. And finally, a bag of shop-bought breadcrumbs.

Prepare Fish

When you have all of the ingredients, preheat your oven to 400 F. Lay your fish fillet out on a greased baking tray, or wrap it halfway in foil and place on a baking tray. Season fish with salt, lots of black pepper, and mixed herbs.

Prepare Potatoes

While the oven is preheating, skin your potatoes and chop them into chunks if necessary. You don’t need many, perhaps just four or five. Boil them on the hob. When potatoes are soft, drain and mash. Add a dash of milk or cream to make them extra fluffy and smooth.

Bake Fish

While the potatoes are boiling, put your fish into the oven and bake it for 25-30 minutes.

Make Fish Cakes

When the fish is baked, cut it into small pieces. Taking some of the fish, combine it in your hand with some of the creamy mash. Pat it to make it into a cake shape. Repeat this until all the fish and potatoes have been combined. Cover in bread crumbs and bake for a another 20 minutes, or until bread crumbs are crispy.