Knafeh Is The Dreamy Dessert You Never Knew You Needed

Photo by johngs/Instagram

When people talk about Middle Eastern desserts, the first thing they think of is baklava. However, people often forget about the cousin to the flakey pastry – knafeh. Knafeh is a traditional Arabic dessert that you will find in most places in the Middle East. The dessert is usually made in a large dish and consists of a crunchy sweet top and soft cheesy inside. Once you find out more about this dessert, you’ll be dying to try it.

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What Is Knafeh Made Of?

When you first look at knafeh, the stringy bright orange top can seem a little strange, but it is so delicious. The top of knafeh is made out of a type of pastry that highly resembles noodles. This noodle-like pastry is then soaked in a sugary syrup to give it that burst of sweetness when you bite into it, and topped with a bit of orange blossom syrup right at the end to give it that distinct orange color.

The Filling

The filling is normally made out of a soft white cheese that while it gets baked turns into this stretchy delicious filling. Knafeh can also be made out of clotted cream or nuts depending on where you go, but most likely you will find this soft cheese.