Tips for Turning a Boring Salad Into a Filling Meal

Loaded salad
Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash

Eating a salad for lunch probably sounds impossible to most people, because a salad won’t keep you full until the next meal—right? But if you load your salad with all the right ingredients that are both healthy and filling, you can easily turn this side dish into a hearty meal. Here are a few tips to do that.


Adding protein-rich foods to your salads is the best way to turn them into a hearty meal because protein will keep you full longer. Chicken and turkey meat, eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, lentils, tofu, and beans are just some of the foods that are rich in protein that you can add to salads.


Low-carb diets are very popular right now but don’t avoid adding carbs to your salad because they are some of the best sources of energy. Healthy carb-rich foods include rice, quinoa, potatoes, and more.

Fiber-Rich Veggies

Fiber is another nutrient that can help extend the feeling of fullness and that’s why loading salads with carrots, artichokes, beets, broccoli, Swiss chard, and other fiber-rich foods is a great way to make hearty salads.


Don’t forget to top your salads with tasty and healthy toppings in order to make them more nutritious. Chopped nut, pomegranate seeds, beans, or berries are some of the best and most nutritious salad toppings.