Learn to Make Snow Cream this Winter

Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash

Ice cream is one of my favorite desserts, and we take any excuse that I can to enjoy this chilly dessert, no matter what time of the year it is.

Snow cream, a natural variation of this classic dessert, is a fantastic idea for winter when snow falls, as it uses a natural ingredient as the base for this tasty treat! Here’s how to make it:


  • Fresh snow
  • White Sugar
  • Whole Milk
  • Vanilla extract


The first thing that you will notice about this recipe is that there are no set measurements for the ingredients! Don’t worry about this, as you’ll be able to do most things by eyeballing them.

Go outside and set a large bowl in a place where the snow is falling in order to collect it. You can also opt for taking fresh snow from the ground that isn’t touching the grass or dirt if you know it’s clean.

Take the snow and use a cup to scoop the desired amount you want into a bowl. For each cup of fresh snow, add about 2 tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of sugar, and a half teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Mix together until it has an ice cream-like consistency and eat immediately!