Whipped Strawberry Milk is the New Trendy Drink

If you already got tired of whipped coffee, the biggest beverage hit of this lockdown, we have another thing you can try. It’s softer in color, but equally fluffy and delicious. We’re talking about whipped strawberry milk, the beverage that’s been trending on social media lately. Here’s how you can make it at homeā€”it’s easier than it looks!


  • 1 tablespoon strawberry Nesquick
  • 4 tablespoons heavy whipping cream


  1. The process is simple: use a whisk or a hand mixer to mix the ingredients together until you get a thick, foamy texture.
  2. Pour the foam over hot or cold milkā€”this is totally up to you.

Although the strawberry version of this drink is what made it popular, you can make as many different flavors as you want. We suggest you try it with Nutella or matcha. Think of ice cream flavors; anything that can be turned into ice cream can likely be turned into whipped milk drink, so be creative. Just make sure to whisk it enough to create the foamy deliciousness that makes this drink so famous.