3 Common Sauce Mistakes You May Be Making

Sauce mistakes to avoid
Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Sauces are a great way to add flavor and moisture to various dishes. There are many different sauces that compliment different foods, and making one typically doesn’t require too much time and effort. There are, however, some common mistakes people make with them, and here’s how to avoid them.

Not Mixing Cheeses

When you want to make a perfect bowl of mac and cheese, it’s not a good idea to only use one type of cheese. You want to mix young and old cheeses as they have different properties. Young cheeses are mild in flavor but melt beautifully, while old cheeses won’t give you a great texture on their own but they provide a lot of flavor.

Overcooking Marinara

There are many types of tomato sauce and they are prepared in different ways. While some of them require longer cooking, that’s not the case with marinara. It’s supposed to be made quickly and stay light.

Having Lumps in Gravy

Having lumps in gravy is very annoying and luckily there’s an easy fix for that. Lumps are nothing but parts of flour that weren’t whisked properly, so you can try whisking the sauce some more until you break them. If you can’t do it by hand, a blender can help.