3 Foods That Will Do Wonders For Your Digestion

Foods that are good for digestion
Photo by James Yarema on Unsplash

Like many of us, you might be the type that’s more prone to eating artificial sugars and fried foods (because they’re delicious and satisfying, duh), and less prone to eating… well, foods that encourage your body to better break down insoluble food molecules into water-soluble food molecules. Or in other words: foods that are good for your digestion. So, what foods can we easily combine into our daily menus to help improve our digestion? Here are three great options.


Well, you know the old saying: an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and keeps your belly from bloating. Well, something like that. Being rich in pectin, which is a soluble fiber, apples can be a great way to fight indigestion. Green, red, sweet, or sour, just choose a kind and get eating!


The main thing that makes yogurt digestion-positive is the fact that it contains healthy bacteria called probiotics, and it’s really one of the healthiest, tastiest foods out there. It also allows diversity: you can eat a plain yogurt as part of your meal, a sweetened one for dessert, or a fruit-based one as a between-meal snack. Mixing it up with some nuts, seeds, and honey to make a muesli is also a nice option.

Green Tea

Well, okay, you got us. Technically, green tea is not a food, but it’s super easy to combine in your daily diet and it can work wonders for your digestion, so we might as well include it in this list. Green tea improves digestion thanks to the polyphenols that it contains, and it’s also great for simply soothing your stomach when it’s feeling a bit out of whack.