3 Things to Consider Before Making a Salad with Avocados

Avocado salad tips
Photo by Tania Melnyczuk on Unsplash

You can put pretty much anything inside your salad if you’re creative enough—including avocados. They make a perfect addition to a long list of different salads, but here are three things you should take into consideration before adding them to one of yours.

Portion Control

Avocados are one of the most popular sources of healthy fat, but this is also a cause of their high-calorie content. That’s why you should never go overboard when using avocados in your salad, and stick to a quarter or half avocado per serving to keep your salad on the healthy side.

Slicing Technique

Avocados can be sliced in many different ways, but the way you cut them matters with some types of salads. Thin avocado slices work best with leafy green salads, while chopped or diced avocados can make your chunky salads extra flavorful.

Brown Avocados

The tricky thing about avocados is that they brown pretty fast, and the longer they’re out, the worse they’ll look. That’s why it’s best to add them to your salad after the rest of the ingredients are already in and eat your salad fresh so they wouldn’t brown.