3 Tips for the Perfect Scrambled Eggs

Big meal
Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

Served with a side of sausage or pancakes, you can’t go wrong with a yummy plate of scrambled eggs. But why is it that some people’s scrambled eggs are more delicious than others? The secret lies in the small adjustments. Here are 3 easy tips to upgrade your scrambled eggs. 

Fresh Eggs

The fresher your eggs are the better the taste of your scramble will be. As a general rule, try to use eggs that are no more than one or two weeks old. You can also try buying fresh eggs at your local farmers’ market. 

Use Butter

Using butter instead of oil on your flying pan can help add an extra creaminess to the eggs’ texture and a delicious richness to the taste. Once you try it, you’ll never want to go back.

Don’t Overcook

This might seem intuitive, but it can be trickier than you think to catch the perfect moment between done and overcooked. Try removing the eggs from the heat just before they are fully set. They will continue to cook a bit even when taken off the burner, so aim for a slightly runny consistency. This will give you creamy, tender, and moist scrambled eggs.