3 Useful Hacks That Will Help Keep Cucumbers Fresh for Longer

Photo by Harshal S. Hirve on Unsplash

Cucumbers are one of the most refreshing and versatile summer veggies, and their only downside is that they tend to go bad pretty fast. Luckily, there are some tips and tricks you can use to extend the shelf life of cucumbers, starting with these three.

Proper Storage

The way you store your cucumbers makes all the difference when it comes to keeping them fresh. They’re sensitive to cold temperatures but don’t do so well in the summer heat, either, so it’s best to put them inside a crisper drawer, ideally away from other fruits and veggies.

Plastic or Paper Wrap

Moisture is the biggest enemy of your cucumbers, and they’re more likely to go bad when they’re exposed to it. That’s why it’s essential to keep them dry by wrapping them up with plastic wrap or a paper towel. This hack can stop the outside moisture from getting in and help you maintain their crispiness for a long time.

Baking Soda & Water Solution

Placing your cucumbers in a container filled with water and a pinch of baking soda can also slow down their spoilage. This method will help your unpeeled cucumbers retain their moisture while keeping them hydrated and crisp.