5 High-Nutrient Power Snacks to Keep You Going

Photo by Vaishnav Chogale on Unsplash

Snacking doesn’t have to mean ingesting unhealthy foods such as chips and fries that are devoid of nutrients. If you eat the right snacks, it can be a really effective way of boosting your nutrition intake and improving your all-around quality of life. Here are 5 nutrient-rich power snacks for you to try out.

Oat Bites

Mix your oats with raisins, apple, almond butter, and natural yogurt and keep them in the fridge. They’ll be ready to eat whenever you want them.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are packed with all kinds of nutrients, especially protein. Hard-boiled eggs seasoned with salt and pepper are a great power snack that you can have on the go.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and crucial prebiotics which are good for the gut. Greek yogurt is lovely with fruit, oats, chia seeds, or nuts.


Hummus is packed with protein, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. It’s quick, easy to eat, and lovely with freshly baked bread, crackers, or flatbreads.

Chickpea and Feta Salad

Full of nutrients, fresh chickpea and feta salad is not only delicious but it’s really easy to eat as well. Simply hold them in a plastic Tupperware container for when the time is right.