A Can of Coconut Milk Can Go a Long Way

Photo by cottonbro studio/Pexels

A can of coconut milk is a staple in most pantries. Creamy and packed with flavor, it features in many cuisines from Asia and the Caribbean. The ingredient is just as great in savory dishes as sweet, so here are three ways to take advantage. 

Coconut Lentil Curry

Most curries are on the spicy side, which is not to everyone’s taste. Coconut milk can mellow out the overpowering flavors without diluting the goodness. It works in curries from India to Indonesia, adds a little sweetness to the hot dish.

Coconut Flan

Crème caramel is a wonderful way to end off a meal. The dessert has origins in France, but many Central American countries have their own version. Coconut is a common flavoring, but using coconut milk is also a way to make the pudding vegan.

Tom Kha Kai

If sour and spicy is your thing, you’ve probably tried Tom yum. The Thai soup is filled with aromatics like garlic, ginger, and chili, which can make it too hot for some. That’s where coconut milk comes in. Adding the liquid transforms tom yum into tom kha kai which is noted for its creamy texture and slightly sweet taste.