Avoid These Coffee Brewing Mistakes

The majority of this year, many of us have been frequenting coffee shops less often and instead, trying to brew coffee at home. But sometimes, our cup of coffee ends up tasting less than ideal. Here are some mistakes to avoid next time you brew a cup of coffee at home, plus how to make the perfect cup.

Not Matching the Grind Size to the Brew Size

Depending on the grind size, different styles of brewing are required. When you use more finely ground beans, it increases the amount of time it takes water to pass through the coffee grounds, which increases the amount of time that the water and grounds are in contact. For espressos, Turkish coffee, or Aeropress, use finely ground beans, for pour-overs, stovetop espressos, single-cup coffee makers, and drip coffee, use a medium grind, and French press or cold brew, use coarse grounds.

Using Tap Water

Did you know that coffee is approximately 98% water? When it comes to what water to use, stay clear of tap water and bottled water, and instead use filtered water from a Brita or fridge dispenser.

Not Measuring the Coffee

To make a stronger brew, many people add more coffee, but this can end up with sour flavors. If you want a stronger coffee, buy a lighter roast. Make sure you measure or weigh your grounds every time you make your coffee.

Brewing Expired Coffee

While old coffee won’t make you sick, when it’s past its expiration date, it looses its taste and aroma. Make sure you pay attention to the expiration date and if the coffee is more than two or three weeks old, throw it.