Avoid These Mistakes to Make Delicious Caramelized Onions

Caramelized onions tips
Photo by Ryan Kwok on Unsplash

Caramelized onions can take a long list of different dishes to a whole new level, but making them is easier said than done. If your onions are missing something to taste perfectly delicious, you can try making them better by avoiding these three common mistakes.

Turning Up the Heat

Some kinds of food thrive in high heat, but caramelizing onions don’t fall under this category. You may be tempted to turn up the heat in an attempt to speed up the process of making them, but using medium-low heat is your best bet, even though it will take 30-45 minutes until they’re caramelized properly.

Slicing Technique

The way you cut your onions will determine how tasty they’ll be. If they’re too thick, the cooking process will take more time because it will take a while before the middle is cooked properly. They shouldn’t be too thin either, because they’ll burn down and stick to the bottom of your pan.

Overcrowding the Pan

Caramelizing onions takes a lot of patience, but many people try to speed things up by overcrowding the pan. This mistake should be avoided at all costs because your onions will steam and produce water instead of caramelizing properly.