Baking Rules Demystified

Photo by whiteandfig/Instagram

Baking can be a really daunting challenge for some people. Most of this fear comes from all the false rumors that have been spread about some general do’s and don’t’s. But, if you’re serious about baking, here are are some common myths about baking demystified.


While a lot of recipes urge you to sift, most of the time you really don’t have to. Although sifting incorporates a little more air into the flour, the reason why people starting sifting was to get out bugs from flour, which is generally not a problem anymore.

Over mixing

When a recipe says to mix until just combined, it is not kidding. If you over mix something, you can make it tough and also release a lot of air, making it dense in the end. Also, this is just more work for you to do, so take the easy way out and don’t put yourself through the trouble.

Measuring Cups

Although it can get overwhelming remembering all the measuring systems in baking, the one thing you need to remember is that dry ingredients go in cups while wet ingredients need to be in a measuring jug or pitcher. If you don’t use the right utensil, the amounts will be off.