Check Out How These Artists Make Food Into Art

As cooks, we already know that food can be incredibly creative, but these artists take it to the next level by creating art using food as their medium. So not only are these works of art stunning to look at, but they’re also good for the environment (and smell nice!) Check them out!

Jason Mecier

With a style that has distinct mosaic vibes, Jason Mecier (@jasonmecier on Instagram) creates portraits of various people using edible goods. For example, this portrait of Martin Luther King Jr is made out of candy. Pretty sweet, huh?

Julie Lee

A food photographer based out of Los Angeles, Julie Lee has taken the Instagram art of taking photos of your food to the next level. On her Instagram account @julieskitchen, she creates beautiful collages using various edible ingredients. It’s incredibly pleasing to the eye.

Amelia Fais Harnas

Okay, it might not exactly be food, but Amelia Fais Harnas’ preferred art media is something you can consume, so we’ll count it anyway. Her beautiful works of art are created out of wine, and they’re so good they’ve even been featured on the covers of magazines such as Wine Life.