Cherie Tu’s Vegan Chocolate Desserts Come in All Shapes and Sizes

If you think that going vegan also means giving up all the sweet chocolate treats—think again! Cherie Tu’s food blog Thriving on Plants will help you discover the magic of chocolaty vegan treats and here are some of her very best recipes that fall under this category.

Double Choc Pancakes

If you want to start your sweet vegan journey with a basic recipe that everyone should have in their arsenal, these delicious and filling pancakes are the way to go.

Double Choc Banana Protein Muffins

Muffins and cupcakes are one of the most beginner-friendly desserts, and Tu will make you fall in love with them all over again with this recipe for chocolate and banana protein muffins.

Choc Protein Mug Cake

Mug cakes are one of those picture-perfect desserts that taste as delicious as they look, and if you still haven’t learned how to make them—now’s the time!

Layered Chocolate Cake

After mastering Tu’s recipes for bite-sized desserts, it’s time to take on a bigger challenge. This layered chocolate cake is impossible to resist, and you can make it even better by topping it with whipped cream and fresh berries.