Chocolate and Cheese are a Great Salty-Sweet Combo!

Image by Анастасия Белоусова from Pixabay

Peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, and burger and fries are all things that go together. But what about chocolate and cheese? In South America, chocolate and cheese is a common pairing and around the world, chefs rave about how chocolates and cheeses bring out the best elements in each other. The two pair together fabulously and if you don’t believe us, try these combinations.

Gruyère + Hot Chocolate

In cafes throughout South America, locals debate about whether to eat the melted cheeses first or last once it’s melted in cocoa. The nutty and sweet taste of gruyère tastes amazing in hot chocolate.

10-Year Aged Cheddar + Dark Chocolate (70% Cacao) with Sea Salt

The salt in the dark chocolate matches with the crystals in the cheddar, for a balance of texture, flavor, and intensity in the cheese and chocolate. For an even more decadent experience, pair the cheese and chocolate with a red wine.

Comté + Hazelnut Chocolate

Have you ever spread Nutella on a grilled cheese? This pairing has the same effect, and the buttery cheese’s natural nuttiness is amplified when paired with hazelnut chocolate.

Aged Gouda + Milk Chocolate

This firmer cheese goes well with the creaminess of milk chocolate. The sweetness of the chocolate combined with the bold toasty notes of the cheese gives a rich caramel flavor.