Clever Solutions to 3 Common Cooking Problems

Photo by Tina Dawson on Unsplash

We’ve all been there—burnt dinner, not enough flavor, and an overflowing sink. But before you throw in the dish towel, let’s tackle these three common cooking conundrums with some clever solutions that will turn you into a kitchen hero in no time.

The Burnt Offering

Avoid becoming a charcoal connoisseur by befriending low and slow cooking. Rushing the heat leads to disaster, so cook patiently with even heat distribution to achieve perfect browning. Also, consider investing in a good pan and a metal spatula to scrape away sneaky bits that could burn and add bitterness.

Flavor Fizzle Fix

Spices like paprika, cumin, turmeric, or garam masala can add depth and complexity to your dishes. Don’t forget fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, or basil for an instant flavor boost. Remember, acidity is your friend! A squeeze of lemon or a splash of vinegar can cut through fat and intensify flavors.

Post-Meal Mountain

Minimize the mess with “prep as you go” cooking, chopping vegetables while your protein cooks, and cleaning utensils as you finish using them. And don’t forget, if you’re doing the cooking, maybe you can ask someone else in your house to take on dish duty.