Coffee Cocktails are Trending This Fall, Here’s How to Make Them

Pumpkin spice lattes step aside, there’s a new trendy beverage—coffee cocktails. Coffee cocktails will keep you warm while giving you a nice dose of caffeine this holiday season. If you’re new to incorporating coffee into your cocktail routine, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with what goes into a coffee cocktail.

Aged Spirits

When choosing the spirits to use, aged ones are better than clear ones as they have a richer, mellower flavor and contain hints of vanilla, butterscotch, and oak.

Try it Out

If you want to try out spirits in coffee, try a classic Irish coffee and replace the Irish whisky with the spirits you would like to test out.

Quality Coffee

The key to a tasty drink is in the quality of the coffee. If the coffee isn’t good, the drink won’t taste good either. Aim for a strong espresso with not too much acidity.

Syrups with Complementary Flavors

All the syrups you’re used to seeing in coffee shops like vanilla, caramel, cinnamon, and chocolate, will pair well with coffee cocktails.


Spices like cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves make nice additions to coffee cocktails.


If you like spices in coffee and cocktails, try adding a touch of bitters to your drink.