Coffee Connoisseurship: 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

Pouring coffee
Photo by Miriam Alonso on Pexels

Brewing the perfect cup of coffee is truly an art form, but it’s easy to stumble along the way. Don’t worry, though—by avoiding these five common mistakes, you’ll be able to steer clear of any trouble on your coffee-brewing journey.

Using Stale Beans

Let’s face it, stale beans are a buzzkill. To keep your coffee game strong, opt for fresh, aromatic beans stored in an airtight container.

Grinding Too Fine

Grinding your beans too finely can result in a bitter brew that’ll make you cringe. It’s best to keep it chill with a medium grind size suited to your brewing method.

Not Cleaning Your Equipment

You don’t want funky-tasting coffee. Make sure to keep your gear squeaky clean by giving your grinder, brewer, and accessories some love on a regular basis.

Inconsistent Water Temperature 

Lukewarm coffee? No more! It’s time to invest in a kettle with temperature control to ensure your water is always just right for brewing.

Rushing the Process

Slow and steady wins the coffee race. Take your time to measure, grind, and brew with care. Your patience will be rewarded with a perfect coffee cup that’s totally worth the wait.