Common Beer Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Beer myths
Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash

Beer is by far the most beloved drink in the world, but how much do we actually know about this refreshing beverage? There are many misconceptions about beer, but it’s time to debunk some of the most common beer myths that many people still believe.

Dark Beers Are Stronger Than Light Beers

This is the most common beer myth out there. The truth is that a beer’s color is not related to its strength and there are many dark beers with low alcohol content.

It Should Be Served Cold

While drinking cold beer is refreshing and more common, there are actually certain types of beers that taste better warm.

Beer Will Give You Beer Belly

It’s actually true that drinking too much beer can cause weight gain and give you a beer belly. This however is not specific to beer, because drinking any alcohol that is high in calories and sugar can lead to weight gain.

Beer Helps You Fall Asleep

There’s a common alcohol myth that drinking before bedtime can help you fall asleep. While it’s true that drinking a glass of beer or wine can help you relax, alcohol can actually reduce the quality of sleep.