Common Mistakes You’re Making When Cooking Cauliflower

Cooking cauliflower sounds like the easiest thing in the world, but there are still many mistakes you can make along the way. Here’s how you can make sure that your cauliflower has the perfect taste and texture once it’s done boiling.

Cooking Time

If the timing isn’t perfect, the cauliflower won’t be either. You’ll have to figure out on your own for how long to cook it to get the perfect texture, depending on your personal taste and the method you’re using, but 5-10 minutes is usually quite enough.

Microwaving Cauliflower

Trying to cook cauliflower in the microwave doesn’t feel like a great idea when it’s so easy to boil it, but some people prefer it this way. If you happen to be one of them, keep in mind that it’s recommended to put some water at the bottom of the dish you’re using.

Not Draining the Water

If you’re going to use your cooked cauliflower to make other dishes, such as cauliflower rice or cauliflower pizza crust, make sure it’s properly drained. If you don’t drain the excess water, your cauliflower will be too mushy and it could end up ruining your dish.