Delicious Twists on Classic Banana Bread Recipes

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Looking for ways to upgrade your classic banana bread recipe and make it more flavorful and healthy? Take a look at these delicious twists on the standard banana bread recipes you normally see.

High-Protein Banana Bread

If you like eating banana bread for breakfast, make sure that it’s packed with protein. Add Greek yogurt or protein powder to make high-protein bread that’ll boost your energy and keep you full for hours.

Tahini Banana Bread

Tahini is a highly nutritious sesame seed paste that can make your classic banana bread more healthy and flavorful.

Espresso Banana Bread with Dark Chocolate

Tender and moist banana bread with intense coffee flavor and chunks of dark chocolate is the perfect comfort food to start your morning the right way.

Carrot Banana Breakfast Bread

If you’re looking to throw in a healthy veggie twist to your banana bread recipe, carrot is the perfect choice. Carrot banana bread is a healthy and flavorful food that’ll make your mornings cozy.

Pumpkin Banana Bread

A great way to upgrade your classic banana bread is to mix it with another classic bread recipe—pumpkin bread. You won’t find a healthier and more delicious bread recipe than this, that’s for sure!