Food Blogs Are All Over TikTok’s Breakfast Trend Nature’s Cereal

Nature's Cereal
Photo by Brittany Neale on Unsplash

One common phenomenon that comes with viral TikTok food trends is that recipe blogs pick up the trends and put their own spin on them. These corners of the internet have a mutually beneficial relationship: the food blogs lend these trends some legitimacy, while the virality of the trends get food blogs more traffic. One of the latest “food hacks”, nature’s cereal, is no exception.

Originated by TikTok user @natures_food, nature’s cereal is simply fruit in a bowl with coconut water poured on top, eaten with a spoon just as one would eat cereal. Natures Food marvels at how much energy he gets from eating this for breakfast, most likely because fruit is packed with complex sugars which will certainly give you a boost.

Though the dish isn’t much more than fruit salad, the trend has absolutely skyrocketed and nearly every food blog and channel has its own unique version of nature’s cereal. These creatives are putting their own twists on the trend, making something new out of it each time.

Some add boba, others turn it into a drink, and still others spice it up by adding mint and pouring on different kinds of juice. It’s a testament to the creativity of food content creators that so many variations of nature’s cereal now exist for us to try.